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Kaipātiki Thermal
Offering EOI

Welcome to the home page for the Kaipātiki Thermal Offering Expression of Interest (EOI).  This EOI process is for an exciting long-term commercial opportunity to work in partnership with Te Poari o Kaipātiki ki Kaipara (Te Poari) to develop a unique thermal water offering in one of the fastest growing regions in Auckland, just 40mins from the CBD.  Many will know this site as the Parakai Hot Springs, located at Kaipātiki (formerly known as the Parakai Recreation Reserve) in the township of Parakai in the South Kaipara region . Te Poari (who is the Co-Governance entity responsible for the oversight and management of Kaipātiki) has initiated this process to identify potential partners who share an interest in working together to develop a unique thermal offering that brings to life the vision for Kaipātiki and delivers on the values of the Treaty partner Ngāti Whātua o Kaipara and the local community.


“Kaipātiki provides a unique experience that harnesses the healing qualities of the geothermal springs and reflects Ngāti Whātua o Kaipara and local community values.”



Restoring natural features


Sustaining people and place


Sharing out experience


Promoting healthy activity

Below are some supporting documents that provide a bit more detail about the EOI process and information about Kaipātiki, the existing thermal waters, and Auckland’s Visitor Destination Strategy.

EOI Document.jpg
EOI Document

Outlines the thermal offering opportunity

Kaipātiki Reserve Management Plan

Sets out the vision for the Kaipātiki Reserve


Provides additional information about the EOI process, key parties and current arrangements.

Destination Akl 2025.jpg
Destination AKL 2025

Reference document that sets out the regions approach for Auckland’s visitor economy

For more information about this exciting opportunity please contact Rob McGee at who is leading this process on behalf of Te Poari and can provide more information about the process and the opportunity.


Don’t miss out in the chance to be involved in this exciting unique opportunity to build on the richness of the cultural assets of Auckland and co-design a unique destination


EOI’s close at 5pm on the 29th of January 2021. 

Thrive Spaces and Places

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Offices in: Auckland | Cambridge | Tauranga | Christchurch | Queenstown | Costa Rica 

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